hmmm...I had to think exactly what does that mean......totally prolife? my thoughts are...... yes, I am.
which led me to define "pro-life" and get to the heart of the matter.
Secretive, ambitious, a perfectionist, driven, competitive, financially goal oriented, seeking acknowledgement from people who held titles & A woman who loved and had a broken heart and ultimately a heart that had become hardened to life & love, a woman who had tried everything from the mystical to the medical to the psychological to change the way I felt and lived, all the while professing "Christianity" through a religious pattern.
A woman who has been healed and restored from the effects of 3 abortions, leading corporate in competitiveness, divorce, broken relationships & a broken heart by listening & then answering a still small voice that called my name.
my belief :
"pro-life" begins in the heart and mind of a person when once they receive a new heart and thus a true new life which comes from God the Father through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Then, that which you have received comes out in your daily decisions and words, relationships, etc.: it must happen from the inside out.
once received: mercy & forgiveness personally, begs you to look at other human beings that are created by God and wanting for them that true "life".
that same mercy begs & pleads with mankind to be saved.
that mercy begs & pleads with the living humans to save ALL life! those in and out of
the womb.
That IS "pro-life".
Being "pro-life" doesn't come by joining; RTL, volunteering at a Pregnancy Resource Center, obtaining college & knowledge, being a part of 40 Days For Life, Silent No More Awareness Campaign, purity programs, abstinence programs, church or by joining any other group, politically or otherwise.
It comes only ONE way. Don't be deceived and don't waste your time, less your house will fall as it's being built on sinking sand.
"YES" I AM PRO-LIFE, my life is a journey to be lived, not a problem to be solved.
God Bless you,
John 20:31
"...but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name."
Deb Ives is a woman of strong Christian faith and knows the personal grief, heart break and sadness that abortion and pregnancy loss bring.
Heartfelt Family Services truly began in 1996, as its founder began her own personal journey to finding all God had for her as a Christian woman, wife and mother.
After years of Biblical Education and Leadership Development classes that God used along with Christian women and Bible teachers who mentored her, her secrets were confronted, forcing her to make a decision to be honest with God or to continue to harbor her secrets. She chose to be honest with God about all the deep places in her heart leading her to turn over her past, present and future completely to Him.
That decision resulted in finding the real peace and joy she craved, and the intimacy with her Savior, whose love and forgiveness continues to transform her life.
Deb Ives has served faithfully in her local church, also as a volunteer for various Abortion Recovery Ministries as a Group and One to One Facilitator; Volunteer counselor at Pregnancy Resource Centers; Speaker & Michigan Coordinator for Silent No More Awareness Campaign, Speaker for 40 Days for Life and Is Founder of Heartfelt Family Services in Michigan.
Deb Ives is currently the President/Executive Director Heartfelt Family Services. She is a certified Biblical Counselor for Life Issues as well as Abortion Recovery through Masters International School of Divinity. Deb is a Community Bible Teacher and is the current ARIN Ambassador to Michigan. She is also a Life Affirming Specialist through International Institute of Education Standards. Deb is a member of many organizations such as Abortion Recovery InterNational, Heartbeat International, Macomb County Domestic Violence Peer Counselor and Michigan Rescue & Restoration Coalition. She is a board member for an organization called “The Matthew 18 Group.”