Wednesday, July 2, 2014

When God calls you to serve Him you do not get to choose what He calls you to do, He lets you know. You just say "yes" and move forward without knowing where, when or what.  I said "YES" 19 years ago, it's a great adventure, a hurtful adventure, a hard adventure however, not one that I regret.  I am so happy God called my name, has He called yours?

 For many years I taught Bible studies, all life applicable and life changing for those who wanted to change ( me included).  Then somewhere along the way people, women, teens, married couples began coming to me asking me for help, most of them were suffering in their relationships. I took necessary training and became a Biblical Counselor.  BA in Christian Studies with a few certificates under my belt for Life Issues, etc.
 There was never a time when someone cried out to the Lord Jesus and studied His word and true heart change didn't take place.  I had no idea what it would take for some people to receive help, but God did. I just read Gods Word with them and prayed before, during and after. 
I depend on Him to convict and correct where need be.  However, when someone is willfully, knowingly going against God's Word and instruction, then come to me for "help" I give them the one and only TRUTH, found in God's Word.
This is not popular at all, it is actually a very dangerous position to be in, nevertheless, it is the ONLY position for those that love God.  I have counted the "cost" and am willing to lose my reputation, money, home, whatever the Lord chooses.  That's when you really see Him and His glory move in and through the lives of others.  It's the most awesome experience ever! 
I see many people, pastors and church denominations water the Bible down, down, down.  They might preach it, teach it and tell others what to do but have a hard time living it out in their own life.  No confrontations, no anger, sometimes no talking at all, a lot of assumptions....almost to the point of being passive and making excuses for the sin.
For about 10 years I have mentored women on purpose (Titus 2 & Galatians 2:20)

A women who has mentored me and many other women internationally, had received negative feedback from another woman.  It can be very hurtful and cause great confusion for those of us who are targets.

I am so glad she shared this with me ( and others) I like her,  have experienced negative comments from 1 woman in particular which the enemy of darkness tried to use to convince me to walk away from God and the ministry of teaching He has called me to, therefore, I post the following, maybe it will help you too;

I feel led to share this quote from an article on Stand True's blog:

But I am more concerned that we take care to examine our own motives when offering negative feedback whether in written letter  to another or in person.   Maybe you are speaking negatively regarding another to another leader.   Here are some questions you might want to ask yourself before speaking to someone about an issue:

1. Is what I am planning to say true in an objective sense or just reflective of my own feelings? (expressing your feelings and speaking the truth are not synonymous. Scripture is the guide here, not your heart)

2. Is the person caught up in a sin or is he/she merely getting on my nerves? (a personality clash is not a reason to “confront” someone)

3. Do I have a past history of strife, jealousy, enmity or anger with this person? (If so, you probably aren’t the person to “restore gently”)

4. Do I genuinely want to help the person…am I willing to invest the time to meet, discuss, share my own struggles, and help this person escape from the sin I’ve observed? (if not, you’re not qualified to speak)

5. Is it something that the person knows about already and is trying to work on? If so, how would it be helpful for you to point out again what he/she already knows?

6. Do I have the ability to speak with gentleness and kindness or am I a battle axe? (if you don’t know, ask your wife, husband or closest friends. If you’re not kind, leave it for someone else)

7. Have I been praying for this person in private regularly? (If not, chances are that your heart is not in the right place)

I pray God, The Captain of the Lord of Hosts, goes before us in all we do!  amen

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