Saturday, April 14, 2012


April.....Spring...New Life.....How do I change?

then I hear the words......

Deborah, think on this........"Whatever is true....." Phil 4:8. 

That causes me to ask myself, are my thoughts, true, pure, lovely...etc?
Then... there it is, I need to change.

Lord, thank you that I have hope from your Word that I can change...thank you that I don't have to stay the way I am today.  I want to change,  I want to grow-up & be closer to you.  I want to feel better, you are my hope.....
I love you Lord, Deborah

1 comment:

  1. My prayer too. He is so good... He is just so Faithful... and patient with me! Thank you for sharing your heart. Love you Deb!
